MOVIE REVIEW: Forbidden Kingdom a Welcome Pleasure

Bounty Hunter Ni Chang (Li Bingbing) and Jason (Michael Angarano) square off in the final battle inside the fortress of the Jade Warrior in The Forbidden Kingdom. PHOTO COURTESY OF LIONSGATE FILMS.

SEBRING, April 29, 2008 – A kid in over his head, the mysterious and fantastical orient, martial arts, Jackie Chan and Jet Li combine to present a pleasant moviegoing experience in The Forbdiden Kingdom.

The story is about the battle between the spirit of good-natured fun and stern discipline. Stern discipline becomes corrupt. The spirit of good natured fun enlivens; stern discipline kills. Even the gods love fun, but the stern disciplinarian, what Saul Bellow calls the “reality instructor,” cannot stand it. So when the gods order the stern Jade Warrior to live at peace with the Monkey King, he sets upon a diametrically opposite course as soon as they leave.

The Forbidden Kingdom is fun and features enough of an American character, Jason (MIchael Angarano) so that Western audiences will not be alienated.

All in all, it’s a pleasant, neatly packaged, and toned down version of the old Hong Kong chop sockies, which far exceed The Forbidden Kingdom in violence and gore.

The Forbidden Kingdom is rated PG-13 and plays at the Carmike Cinema.

Our Rating (1 to 5 reels):